/ Catalog Design / Client: Lifegear, a sports equipment manufacturer / Task: Design a new-style catalog with saddle stitching and enhance its tactile quality. / Solution: Adopting a grayscale theme in the design, specifically incorporating a 10% black for a light grey shade. When printed on copperplate paper, the light will reflect off it, creating a silver-like effect to elevate its tactile quality.
This project encompasses catalog production, photography, and product color planning.

/型錄設計 /客戶 Lifegear, 一間運動器材生產商 /任務 設計新式型錄,以騎馬釘印製,並提升其質感 /解決方法 在設計上以灰白為主題,特地使用10%黑為淺灰,當其印刷在銅版紙上時,透過燈光反照會有銀色感,以增加其質感。 本案件包含目錄製作、攝影、產品色彩計劃
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